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Collections policies

Information about Norfolk Museums Service (NMS) Collections Policies including immunity from seizure

These policies outline the principles that provide NMS the framework and standards for transparent and scrupulous management of collections in our care, using clear procedures and decision making processes common to UK museums in the Arts Council Accreditation Scheme.

If you have further enquiries regarding collections management policies and procedures, contact


The Norfolk Museums Service loans out programme has been paused temporarily. This is due to delivery of the Norwich Castle: Royal Palace Reborn project. All loan requests that have already been agreed will still be delivered.

Collections development

Deposition of Archaeological Fieldwork Archives

Due diligence

Human remains

Responsible Fossil Hunting

Fossil collecting is an enjoyable and rewarding experience, but we need to do it responsibly to maintain our fossil heritage for future generations. Download our free fact sheet about how to responsibly collect fossils in Norfolk, with tips on how to keep safe and within the law.

Knowing more about our geological heritage helps a great deal when fossil hunting. Also download free fact sheets about many aspects of Norfolk geology and fossils here:

Immunity from seizure

There are no exhibitions with protected objects at present.

All works currently being proposed for or covered by immunity from seizure in the UK are linked to the Arts Council's website.


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