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Public Task statement

19 August 2015


This statement sets out the functions carried out by Norfolk Museums Service and the information available for re-use, which are within its Public Task under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 as amended in 2015.

The Public Task

Norfolk Museums Service collects, preserves and makes accessible the material evidence of Norfolk's past.  Its mission is to inspire pride in Norfolk's heritage through ten award-winning museums.

Norfolk Museums Service is a joint service of County and District Councils.  It is managed by the Joint Museums Committee, whose voting membership comprises County and District Councillors.  Its core functions are carried out within a legal framework which includes the Local Government Act 1972, the Public Libraries & Museums Act 1964, the Data Protection Act 1998, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Norfolk Joint Museums Agreement (2006).  In addition, Norfolk Museums Service receives funding from Arts Council England and its museums are subject to the Arts Council's requirements for Museum Accreditation.

Norfolk Museums Service holds and uses documents and other information for the following purposes within its Public Task:

  • The provision of access to its collections and exhibitions, whether in its museums or in partnership with other organisations
  • Preserving and maintaining its assets, including its collections, buildings and infrastructure
  • The production and distribution of content relating to its collections and buildings in any media, whether print, film, broadcast, digital or any other format
  • The licencing of rights for the commercial or non-commercial usage of its content by third parties
  • Satisfying its operational, legal and statutory obligations.  

Information available for re-use

You can see, copy and re-use information that is produced by Norfolk Museums Service provided that it is not subject to the Data Protection Act, a third party agreement, or security or commercial considerations.

Available for re-use without charge

  • Documents and information available through Norfolk Museums Service's website
  • Information (but not images and other media) available through Norfolk Museums Service's Collections website
  • Policy statements and other documents produced as part of Norfolk Museums Service's general management arrangements

Information will be exempt from availability if it conflicts with reasons described under 'Not available for re-use' below.

Available for re-use at a charge

  • Images, film, video, audio recordings and publications held or produced by Norfolk Museums Service are available for re-use at a charge.  The charge will depend on the use to which they will be put and the scale of reproduction.  A table of charges is available on request.
  • Information on which we need to carry out work before it can be made available.  For example, anonymising catalogue records to remove personal information. The charge will depend on the amount of work required to prepare the information for public access.

Information will be exempt from availability if it conflicts with reasons described under 'Not available for re-use' below.

Not available for re-use

  • Any information which would be against Norfolk Museums Service's or the public's interest with regard to:
    • The safety and security of Norfolk Museums Service's collections, buildings or operations
    • The safety, security and privacy of any person
    • Any information which may be culturally sensitive, including that related to human remains or spoliated property.
    • Any information which Norfolk Museums Service has reason to believe will be treated in an inappropriate manner and which may cause offence or distress to staff or the public. 
  • Any information which falls under the remit of the Data Protection Act
  • Any information in which a third party holds intellectual property rights
  • Any information prepared for purposes other than Norfolk Museums Service's Public Task including
    • Information and products derived from Public Task activities for sale, hire and any other commercial activity
    • Promotional and marketing material including branding and logos
    • Information commissioned from Norfolk Museums Service by third parties for their own purposes

Review and complaints

This statement is due to be reviewed in August 2018.  If you have any queries or complaints about the re-use of information, please submit them to

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