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A National Portfolio Organisation

Norfolk Museums Service is proud to have been awarded Band 3 National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) status by Arts Council England for 2018-2022. As one of only 67 Band 3 organisations across the UK, NMS will receive £4,812,680 in direct funding over the course of four years.

This funding will enable NMS to:

  • Progress its ambitious plans for the transformation of Norwich Castle Keep 
  • Further expand events programmes at all sites, creating engaging and informative experiences for all ages
  • Continue to develop first-rate temporary exhibitions and innovative permanent galleries across all of its sites
  • Continue its award-winning work with children and young people

This represents the third occasion that NMS has been successful in securing funding from Arts Council England, having previously been recognised as a Major Partner Museum (MPM) in both 2012-2015 and 2015-18.

In addition to this Band 3 funding, a further £1,745,128 was awarded to SHARE Museums East - the service's Sector Support Organisation (SSO) which manages museum development across the Eastern Region.

You can find out more about National Portfolio Organisations via the Arts Council England website.

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