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Museums from home

Even when our museums are closed, we are always open online...

You can join a virtual tour, find learning resources, and discover family activities all from the comfort of home.

Join a live event

Book tickets for a live event, or admission tickets when the museums are open.

Take a tour or hear a talk

Join virtual YouTube tours and talks with one of our guides.

Take a stroll through our galleries at the click of your mouse:

Try something new - virtual workshops and events for adults, children and very young children

From perfecting your prose to finding structured play for young children, look no further...

Children's activities

Use these activity sheets online or get your printer at the ready for at-home fun.

Schools and home-schoolers

From tours to activities, discover our learning resources from KS1 - 4:

See a virtual exhibition

Get your gallery fix online

Read the blogs

And get the inside scoop from curators, conservators and museums staff:

Browse our collections

Search the Norfolk Museums Collections to find curious objects and amazing artworks.

Join us on social media

For exclusive insights into hundreds of objects from our collection and to hear our latest news, follow your favourite museums on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - find our handles via our Norfolk Museums on social media page. Join us on the Norfolk Museums YouTube for talks, tours, crafts, Roman keep-fit and so much more.

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